...which is not a fish

Monday, June 11, 2007

I have a sweet deal for you

Full of Australian goodness, of course. Casey has taken off to Australia and left his wife with $300 cash. According to Duane Legate, she's bounced some cheques because Casey made some withdrawals.

Shocking, yes?

Not really, though. Par for the course.

And yet!

Casey claims to love his wife.

Dude, you take off without warning for the other side of the world and you empty the bank account. You don't love her. You don't even like her.

And worst of all, you don't even respect her.

Does the word "Fucker" mean anything to you?

At any rate, the sweet deal.

I propositioned Aspeth today.

Not like that. Get out out of the gutter; you're crowding me.

Aspeth and I will be doing a coffee klatch cross-posting deal (okay, wine-klatch, but really would you expect anything else?) to discuss the latest turns of events. There will be much linky goodness and stimulating conversation.

And wine.