...which is not a fish

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The Prodigal Son of a Bitch

What did I tell you earlier?

Yes, the taraxacum officiale looserius is back.

More on this later; for now I have salmon, which is not koi, but is still a fish, to cook.

...time passes

It is now later.

I'm sorry for the next; I can't resist, and given the impetuous, unthoughtful subject of this post, it seems apt.

I told you so.

But I won't link it again.

At any rate, Aspeth has a good post about this already, and there are numerous comments over at Exurban Nation which should provide no end of entertainment. Because I don't want to hijack 12 Years, and there's just too much going on over at the Dawg House, I offer the following, which are my not-so-humble opinions.

1. Young Snowflake is back. Not because he cut a deal with family, but because he cannot resist the pull of a 9 month old baby who needs sustenance. That "baby" is what got him his notoriety. He's basically turned into an attention whore who cannot resist seeing his name in the media.

2. It probably didn't help that species 2759 was quoted in USAToday, today and Snowflake wasn't mentioned.

3. I am not a betting person. But I will lay money on the idea that he is neither living at his sister-in-law's with his wife, nor living with any other family member. Species 2759 said he is still a married man. Married does not mean living together; it simply means not legally divorced or single. That is likely the recent developments that has [sic] occurred.

Other than that, nothing has changed. He was forced to bring the blog back up, apparently. One of the comments over at EN posited a contractual agreement to have it up. This is likely the case.

Or, are we seeing the return of NLL?

And its been "nothing but craziness."

But really, what other choice do you have when you live with The Crazy In Your Head?

And look, yet another update:

Its amazing what a little ice cream can do for the mind.

Remember back last week when IAFF was going to shit because Casey got intervened? The answer may be simpler than what's postulated above. Simple: he needed the time to remove all references to Galina from his blog.

I wouldn't be surprised if Galina or some other family member is moderating comments now.


Aspeth said...

Love the post title :)

NLL...hadn't considered that one. Those two may be foolish, freaky, and unattractive, but I'm assuming they've got that contract locked up in a fire-proof safe deposit box somewhere.

This whole thing reminds me of a horrible monster movie called Re-Animator, where the dead keep coming back to life.

In fact, I'm going to have to make it the Movie of the Week.

Schnapps said...

Thank you. I corrected the typo too.

Yes, they likely have it locked up.

Hey, maybe he's got a job blogging for them now!

Aspeth said...

A better investment would be a monkey, a fifth of well scotch and a typewriter.

Are you digging the BlogLog thingy? In case you're wondering, my pic is a response to Nigel's supposed comments of me as "asspeth."

But, to bastardize line from Friends, I'm okay with it because I have a nice heiney. :)

Schnapps said...

I digg. Am glad you liked the catlers :)

And the monkey may produce a decent play after 9000 years too.

Akubi said...

I wouldn't be surprised if Galina or some other family member is moderating comments now.

I've been wondering the same thing due to my current banned from IAFF status for no particular reason I'm aware. (Caseypedia perhaps?)

Aspeth said...

Akubi is banned? Oh, that's funny...especially when you consider the absolute rat-fuck comments he does let through.

It's going to be a cheerleader convention over there.